Happy New Year! How about a resolution that makes you feel great, is FUN while you do it, and is proven to enhance your health and well being (mental, emotional and physical)? Resolve to have sex more often! More on the many benefits (read: excuses to have more sex) in a moment, but let’s start… [Read More…]

What do you practice in your love life?

A friend showed me this compelling 2-minute video of this lovely young boy asking a very profound and practical question. The video is not about sex; it’s about all of life – but I’ll show you how it applies to your sex life here too. Another perspective on this wisdom is that others in our… [Read More…]

How Gratitude Gives You Better Sex and Greater Happiness

I overheard someone say they are so grateful to have you in their life, for the wonderful person you are and for all you do! Let that sink in. Doesn’t the idea of hearing that make you feel all warm and fuzzy and interested in, even open-hearted toward, whoever is expressing appreciation for you? And… [Read More…]

Here’s Where to Find Ecstasy

“The gap between your goal and where you are now can hinder you,” my instructor once said during yoga class. She was encouraging us to relax into a pose rather than force it. She went on to say that there is no feedback in that gap; the only feedback is in the present. This, of… [Read More…]