Posts Categorized: Spiritual Union

Here’s Where to Find Ecstasy

“The gap between your goal and where you are now can hinder you,” my instructor once said during yoga class. She was encouraging us to relax into a pose rather than force it. She went on to say that there is no feedback in that gap; the only feedback is in the present. This, of… [Read More…]

Find Your Edge – That’s Where Transformation Happens!

The power of sex is that it can provide even more than physical satisfaction and emotional and spiritual fulfillment (all extremely high value). Our sexuality also has vast potential to be a mechanism for expansion and transformation. This tip applies to our sexual, physical, emotional and spiritual edges. It applies to situations when you are… [Read More…]

Wild-Haired Abandon

[Video Below] Most of us relish the idea of passionate, spontaneous lovemaking. The idea of total wild-haired abandon sounds thrilling, doesn’t it? — and simultaneously terrifying. Why? Because most of us fear losing control. Do I need to remind you that one reason orgasm is so sought after is BECAUSE we lose control? Orgasm takes… [Read More…]