Use Your Voice to Turn On

(aka “How to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body for Hotter Sex” – Part 2 of 2) In Part 1, I addressed “How to Talk Dirty without Being Dirty.” There’s another way to use your voice to get out of your head and into your body for better sex. This can be… [Read More…]

Balance Your Pelvis and Jaw for Better Sex

In the above video Love Tip, discover how the connection between your pelvis and jaw relates to verbal and sexual self-expression and how blocks in these areas can inhibit your sexual potential. Ellen also introduces opening your full-body orgasmic energy flow to unleash your inner wild. Click here to watch Ellen’s “Unleash Your Inner Wild”… [Read More…]

To Give and Receive Better Sex – Watch Others

I recently had conversations with two women you may relate to (from their partner’s perspectives, if you’re a man). The first I met last week at a conference. I’ll call her Nancy (I always protect confidential conversations). She wrote me afterwards, saying: I wish I had found you a year ago! I thought I had… [Read More…]