Posts Categorized: Physical Bliss

Change Up Your Thrusting Patterns – Part 2 of 3

No matter how great your sex is, even if you have it “dialed in” with your partner, your brain and body become somewhat immune to pleasure when it’s delivered in the same way every time (think “white noise”). We all need variety to keep sex fresh and exciting. Changing up your thrusting patterns is a… [Read More…]

Change Up Your Thrusting Patterns – Part 1 of 3

Don’t rely on the same old formula if you want to keep your partner’s interest in bed – and avoid unconscious resentment. It’s so easy to get into sexual ruts. And one rut that can easily go unnoticed is thrusting patterns during intercourse. The same ol’, same ol’ can get boring. And women, especially, need… [Read More…]