With Ellen Eatough, The Soulful Sex Coach


5 Crucial Steps to Telling Each Other What You Really Want in Bed
To Build Trust and Intimacy Instead of Embarrassment and Rejection
And Satisfy Your Deepest Desires

In this free training, you’ll learn:

  • What you absolutely must do before you even bring up the subject of your sex life with your partner again
  • Why simply asking your partner what they want (or to show you what they like) probably won’t elicit their real desires – and what to do instead
  • Why you need to use an entirely different communication method once you’re in bed than before you get there
The live webinars have already taken place. 
Register below for immediate access to the replay for men or women.

* What’s a webinar? It’s an online event with video and audio that you can watch from your computer or mobile device.