Posts Categorized: Perspectives

What do you practice in your love life?

A friend showed me this compelling 2-minute video of this lovely young boy asking a very profound and practical question. The video is not about sex; it’s about all of life – but I’ll show you how it applies to your sex life here too. Another perspective on this wisdom is that others in our… [Read More…]


A business consultant I once got advice from told me her most powerful sexual experiences were with a man who demanded she open her eyes during sex. (Yes, as a sex and intimacy coach, people seem compelled to share their most intimate secrets with me unbidden.) This woman was in her 20s when she was… [Read More…]

Give Thanks for Your Relationships

HAPPY THANKSGIVING FOR THOSE OF YOU IN THE US! Any Day is a Good Day to Give Thanks for Your Relationships, Intimate and Otherwise. If the entirety of a love partnership is not a priority in your life, then the sexual aspect of your relationship will never be as fulfilling as it can be for… [Read More…]